Här visas publikationer från 2024

Kajsa JärvholmEva GronowitzAnnika JansonMarkku PeltonenLovisa SjögrenAndrew J BeamishJovanna DahlgrenJohan MårtenssonTorsten Olbers.  Cognitive functioning in adolescents with severe obesity undergoing bariatric surgery or intensive non-surgical treatment in Sweden (AMOS2): a multicentre, open-label, randomised controlled trial. EClinicalMedicine. 2024.

Dorthe Dalstrup JakobsenKajsa JärvholmLea BraderJens Meldgaard Bruun. Long-term changes in eating-related problems and quality of life in children with overweight and obesity attending a 10-week lifestyle camp. Obes Res Clin Pract. 2024.

Kajsa JärvholmAnnika JansonPia HenfridssonMartin NeoviusLovisa SjögrenTorsten Olbers. Metabolic and bariatric surgery for adolescents with severe obesity: Benefits, risks, and specific considerations. Scand J Surg. 2024.

Gustaf BruzeKajsa JärvholmMattias NorrbäckJohan OttossonIngmar NäslundJonas SöderlingJohan ReutforsTorsten OlbersMartin Neovius. Mental health from 5 years before to 10 years after bariatric surgery in adolescents with severe obesity: a Swedish nationwide cohort study with matched population controls. Lancet Child Adolesc Health 2024 Feb;8(2):135-146.

My SjunnestrandNicklas NeumanKajsa JärvholmAnna EkKarin NordinXimena Ramos SalasKarin EliPaulina Nowicka. ”A balancing act”: parents’ longitudinal perspectives of weight-related discussions with their children following obesity treatment. BMC Public Health. 2024.

Terese Torstensson, Anna Bohlin, Gerd Almqvist-Tangen, Josefine Roswall, Jenny Kindblom, Lovisa Sjögren. Family meals on prescription as treatment for childhood obesity-a randomized controlled trial  European Journal of Pediatrics. 2024.

Magnus Sundbom, Kajsa Järvholm, Lovisa Sjögren, Paulina Nowicka, Ylva Trolle Lagerros. Obesity treatment in adolescents and adults in the era of personalized medicine. Journal of Internal Medicine. 2024.

Maria Dellenmark-Blom, Kajsa Jarvholm, Lovisa Sjögren, Anna Levinsson, Jovanna Dahlgren. Neurodevelopmental disorders in children seeking obesity treatment- associations with intellectual ability and psychiatric conditions. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2024.

Maria Dellenmark-Blom, Kajsa Jaervholm, Lovisa Sjögren, Anna Levinsson, Jovanna Dahlgren. Family screening for neurodevelopmental problems and its associations with child cognitive function enable tailored treatment for childhood obesity. Acta Paediatrica. 2024.

Resthie R Putri, Thomas Casswall, Pernilla Danielsson, Claude Marcus, Emilia Hagman. Steatotic Liver Disease in Pediatric Obesity and Increased Risk for Youth-Onset Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2024.

access_time 2024-12-16 17:52:58